The Magic Words

Mariana was a capricious, conceited child. He thought he was entitled to everything he wanted. Whether it belonged to him or not.

She also believed she was the most beautiful, the smartest, the best of all girls. That's why I thought everyone wanted to be with her, play with her and spend time with her. And for that reason they should be most grateful.

He could also respond badly without apologizing or mocking others without measuring the consequences. Like when one of his friends fell down and she instead of helping him ran out laughing.

A fairy who just happened and saw what was happening, decided to teach her a lesson. Mariana should learn the magic words. The fairy touched his friends with his wand and they quickly got tired of his veleidy, pireta attitude, and decided not to go out on the sidewalk anymore. They stayed playing behind the fence in the garden of their house.

Mariana went out and didn't see them. She was struck by the fact that they didn't come looking for her. Just to her that guaranteed the fun and now had a new pink tornasol bike.

  • What fools! He thought. And he went round the block.

As he passed through the fence he saw all his friends enjoying themselves under a tree.

Then he told them — I got a new bike! But friends didn't listen to her. He screamed louder — Hey, here I am! but the friends seemed to be deaf.

She came home worried, and asked her mom for a new doll. - I want a Barbie doll dressed as a beach. The Fairy also touched his wand to his parents.

  • But you have 20 dolls. Play with those. The mother replied.

  • I told you I want a beach dress.

  • Well, no. Said the mother for the first time, since she had never denied her anything.

Mariana caught a tantrum, threw herself on the floor kicking and screaming. But his mother turned a deaf ear until she calmed down.

He locked himself in his room to study the lesson for the next day. He learned it perfectly to leave everyone gaping.

But the Fairy Godmother also shook his wand on the teacher and companions.

When it came time to take the lesson, the teacher asked for her hands to be raised and Mariana quickly raised her to cry — Me, me, me!

The teacher, she didn't seem to see her or hear her. All those who raised their hands gave their lesson, except Mariana who was raging in her desk.

He came home very sad. Nothing like this has ever happened to him. And I didn't know how to reverse this difficulty. She thought and thought without finding a solution to the problem that affected her.

While sleeping, the Fairy appeared to her in her dreams and taught her the importance of magic words: “FORgiveness”, “PLEASE” and “THANK YOU”.

The next day Mariana asked her mom for the tantrum and thanked her for the new bike.

She went to visit her friends and asked them PLEASE to open the gate to play with them, and her friends let her pass. Then she THANK them for inviting her. Then he apologised to one of his friends for having laughed when he fell in pain on the sidewalk, and he forgave her.

At school, she asked PLEASE to be allowed to teach her lesson and the teacher congratulated her.


The Kingdom of No Mind

Once upon a time there was a small kingdom called Lolimburg. King John No, married Princess Christina I care. From that union was born Prince Joseph No Me Matters. The King was named Juan because I was Antoja and the Queen was named Cristina because I feel like it.

Both kings and subjects did what they wanted when they wanted and nothing mattered to them.

The kingdom was very dirty as all its inhabitants threw the trash into the street because they wanted it. It was hard to walk along the sidewalks between leftovers of food and junk, but nobody cared.

The inhabitants bathed whenever they wanted, but as nobody cared, they were all rouddy and smelling. They were always sick.

At school. Students attended classes only when they felt like it and studied only if they wanted, and since the principal and the teachers didn't care, the students were donkeys and ignorant.

The merchants would attend whenever they wanted and sell whatever they wanted. If someone wanted to buy potatoes and they didn't feel like selling it, people had to buy tangerines or whatever they found.

The subjects of Lolimburg slept whenever they wanted, sometimes at night and sometimes at day, and ate whenever they wanted. They had breakfast in the evening and had dinner at noon and they didn't care.

So the Kingdom of Lolimburg was a disaster.

When Prince Joseph grew up, he fell in love with Princess Beatrice if I care of the kingdom of Merynburg.

Beatrice was a very beautiful young woman with long golden hair, and she cared about everything. He cared about order and cleanliness. He cared about the culture and education of his people. If he wanted to eat potatoes, he wanted to get potatoes sold. Beatrice had many suitors who wanted to fall in love with her by offering her expensive gifts.

Prince Joseph knew it would be impossible to conquer her by offering her the Kingdom of Lolimburg, a dirty and messy kingdom, and decided to ask Beatrice for help in changing the horrible customs of her subjects.

Because Beatrice was very smart, she decided to help him. He proposed that he adopt very strict laws and penalties for those who fail to comply with them.

Strict schedules in schools. The children were obliged to attend. Clean and tidy tasks and tools. Otherwise, the parents would be severely punished. The garbage had to be placed in dumpsters, no waste thrown into the sidewalk. Where there was garbage before, they had to plant trees and flowers.

Strict schedules for traders and workers, so that they would not sleep when they had to work and not work when they had to sleep.

Merchants had to open at specified times and sell what was asked of them and not what they wanted.

At first it had a hard time adapting the inhabitants to the new urban standards, but soon everyone saw the advantages of them.

Thanks to cleaning there were fewer diseases, the streets now had flowers instead of garbage and everyone enjoyed the changes.

The children learned to read quickly.

Merchants made a lot of money selling more and better pleasing their clientele.. All the subjects of Lolimburg were happy.

The only one who wasn't completely happy was Joseph. He was still in love with Beatrice. Now that he had a beautiful kingdom to offer him, he decided to ask for his hand.

Beatriz If I care, I hoped that the moment would come, she fell in love with Joseph's blue eyes and his wishes for progress for her people. He didn't take long to say yes.

They married in Lolimburg Square, in the presence of all the inhabitants, who celebrated the wedding with a feast lasting seven days.

Joseph and Beatrice had six blue-eyed children and lived very happily. END

por Mirta Fenandez